Strategic Plan


In May 2022, the G2MC leadership team embarked on a strategic planning process with the aim to revise G2MC’s mission, vision, core values, and guiding principles for the next 5 years. The process also included a review of G2MC’s organizational structure and restructuring of G2MC’s functional groups. 

In early 2022, G2MC announced structural and branding changes that were the result of the organization’s growth and opportunities to expand our reach in the genomic medicine arena. The changes included the establishment of a parent organization, the Global Genomic Medicine Collaborative (GGMC). What was previously the Global Genomic Medicine Collaborative was renamed the Global Genomic Medicine Consortium (G2MC). This shift prompted the need for the strategic planning process to review and revise G2MC’s defining elements and future directions. 

As part of the strategic planning process, G2MC formed an ad hoc Strategic Planning Advisory Group, consisting of members from the G2MC leadership team, who met regularly with an external strategic planning consultant beginning in July 2022. In October, the group held a virtual meeting for the entire G2MC membership to provide an update on the strategic plan and its core elements, and to allow for engagement and feedback to further refine the plan.

Functional Groups

As part of the Strategic Planning, we restructured our G2MC functional groups to better align with our priorities. G2MC now has four working groups and two flagship projects.

Organizational Chart

Organizational Chart